UBC Members
UBC Members
Anthropology 100
1: Light at the Edge of the World
2: The Journey of Humanity
3: The Juniper Fuse
4: The Shock of the Other: Polynesian Navigation and the Settlement of the Known World
5: Deciphering the Stranger, Exploring the Universal: The Anthropological Lens Comes Sharply into Focus
6: The Waorani of Lowland Ecuador, Natural Philosophers of the Rain Forest
7: The Makuna and Barasana, Peoples of the Anaconda
8: Sacred Geography: Into the Realm of the Inca and the Elder Brothers
9: The Sacred Headwaters
10: The Dreaming and the Songlines
11: Mother India
12: Touching the Timeless: The Buddhist Science of the Mind
13: The Art of Shamanic Healing
14: Plants of the Gods
15: White Darkness and the Living Dead: Vodoun and the Haitian Zombie
16: Beauty
17: Strange Relations: On Sex, Gender, and Family
18: Coming of Age in Mongolia, Becoming a Warrior in Kenya’s Kaisut Desert, Beauty Culture and the fate of women
19: A Poor Man Shames Us All
21: Hunters of the Northern Ice
22: The Promised Land: The Buried History of the Holy Land
22: Schooling the World
23: Century of the Wind